The strength of Hulk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wyrm187 · 1

A pure attack deck with almost no threat removal, this deck aims to do as much damage as possible by wasting very few cards. I only play 2 handed solo, this deck won't work pure solo.

There are no cards with a cost of more than 3 and almost all the cards are strength resources.

The damage generators are Jarnbjorn and the only ally in the deck, Blade. Only attack with Blade, no need to chump block.

Getting out Jarnbjorn and Quincarrier you'll be pinging damage every turn. Clobber is a great card in this deck. After getting it back in your hand you can pay for your damage generators. Plan of Attack helps grab attacks but also helps churn through your deck quicker to get the cards you want.

Of course you'll always play hulk smash when you draw it. Within 3 turns you should be doing quite a bit of damage. The deck is straight forward, you won't be playing too many cards at once in your turn but there's plenty of synergy to make damage add up fast!