Jersey City Justice - Solo 0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Jersey City Justice 54 41 1 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Schmendrix · 5438

An experimental variation on the Jersey City Justice deck for Solo Season O (


Jun 17, 2020 chi_ent · 24

I'm intrigued by your inclusion of invulnerability in this deck. It is a card I have trouble playing when it is in my deck (and mostly I leave it out). But I'm also running Ms. Marvel in the solo league and can see how it helps mitigate the concern for a big Rhino charge.

Interested to know if it works for you.

Jun 17, 2020 Schmendrix · 5438

Agreed - we'll see. I also liked that it's 1) another physical resource for Concussive Blow, and 2) it's an event that you can use Biokinetic Polymer Suit to pay for.

Jun 17, 2020 Bowser · 37

Looks pretty good. I'd cut 2x Enhanced Physique for 1x Downtime and 1x Endurance. I find that with the suit and usually having a large hand size, getting a fist for Concussive Blow is not hard. And the Downtime and Endurance can help mitigate the damage swings of solo, especially if you get hit by multiple attacks in a round.

Jun 18, 2020 Schmendrix · 5438

@Bowser Good call. I've waffled on Downtime because of Ms. Marvel's high Recovery, but Endurance is probably worth taking over the resources.

Jul 06, 2020 Schmendrix · 5438

This deck felt strong in Solo 0, though, to be fair, it wasn't a super tough series of challenges. Won all three scenarios.

Some notes that will inform the next version. What worked?

  • Stealth Strike is a situational keeper. It was extremely valuable against weak minions, especially versus Expert Rhino. Also, being able to pull it back into hand as a mental resource for For Justice! was useful once, and could see that being a useful play going forward.
  • Invulnerability only became really valuable against Expert Rhino, and it was nice to be able to play using Biokinetic Polymer Suit.

What could be improved?

  • I never played Quake. Could imagine it being useful against a very minion-heavy villain, but not useful in these three scenarios.
  • Concussive Blow was surprisingly a non-factor. I thought I would be using it often - even over-weighted physical resources to try and unlock it. But as it happened, I was never really worried about threat management and so didn't feel like I needed to hit with that when planning to flip down when I so often had Big Hands/Stealth Strike with more damage available.
  • I think I came to the realization that Ms. Marvel needs resources more than card draw given that she can almost always pull something useful with Teen Spirit and Aamir Khan, and can reuse events she pulls with her hero ability. Therefore, never played Avengers Mansion, but wouldn't mind another couple of resource cards, perhaps Enhanced Intellect.