Black Widow and the Justice Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Theberg123 · 1364

Hello everyone!

This deck is nothing special, and is a bit gimmicky, but the idea and strategy of it are solid and only can improve. Plus, its fun!

To get things started, I love Team-Building Exercise, and how it can let a character more easily slip allies into a deck you might not want to otherwise. We have a grand total of 9 targets for TBE in this deck, with all sorts of allies and supports you would love to get into play. Spider-Man is definitely from the weaker parts of the pool we would love to sub out when given the chance, probably want to switch him out when playing solo. Most of our targets are also tech resources which does let them play nice with Lay Down the Law. If your struggling too much in set up maybe consider switching out Helicarrier and some of the espionage for For Justice, since you are hitting those genius icons so often anyway. Everything else is mostly either playing into BW's strengths like the preparation cards, or helping with the higher cost of her allies.

Game-plan is getting down Team-Building Exercise and other helpful supports to get allies into play. Use BW's low cost preparations to deal with any issues with tempo you are having until you start just throwing down allies and controlling the game.

That is about it, hope you have fun with it!