[Outdated] School of Hard Knocks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

VillainTheory · 27332

Professor Thor is here as the head of the Hard Knocks Academy, ready to teach the bad guys the error of their ways. This deck is 50% Protection, 50% Aggression in disguise - it can take a lot of punishment and dish it right back out.

Rather than focus on the traditional Protection mechanic of taking no damage and triggering cards, this deck accepts it's not going to stop every point of damage. Instead, it hits hard constantly putting out damage every turn, chipping down the villain while flattening their goons.

How To Play:

Defend every turn. Every. Single. Turn. Unless you have Tough. But even then, defending a minion or for another player is still great!

Counter-Punch - The star of the show however is Counter-Punch. With Mjolnir you will be hitting for 3 damage every time with a 0-cost card. It's like Turn the Tide for Justice, but punchier.

Ever Vigilant - So, you've defended and punched them in the face. Now what? Punch them again. Ready up with Ever Vigilant on your turn, thwarting for 2 with it and then attacking with 3 for Thor for consistent and reliable damage alongside much-needed thwart.

Hard Knocks + Defender of the Nine Realms - Hard Knocks is the card that inspired the deck and it goes so well with Nine Realms. Thor loves fighting minions. Bring 'em in, knock 'em down, and bask in the glory of that tasty Tough status you just earned.

Electrostatic Armor + Energy Barrier - These combine to help you chip away at your enemies. While I considered Dauntless, this deck is not consistently at high hp.

Small to medium damage, repeatedly, every turn. While not invincible you will rarely need to flip down. Blade can be leveraged for extra damage and/or a cheap block. Don't forget to use your other allies to help thwart - the deck's one weakness. Otherwise Thor plays mostly like regular Thor with big Hammer Throws and a slight preference toward Energy cards to power up the odd Lightning Strike. Get Asgard as soon as possible to escape your tiny hand-size into 5-card utopia.

Priority cards to play in order:

  1. For Asgard! - If you don't have Asgard in hand.
  2. Asgard
  3. Armored Vest
  4. 2x God of Thunder
  5. Quincarrier

While Quincarrier is something of a luxury for Thor, if you can get all this in play you're in for a good time. Try to mulligan for one of them if you can and the start of the game, and if you have one in hand, just focus on playing that. Since you start with a small hand you may end up only being able to play one and be forced to discard the other. We don't want that if we can help it.

Alternative cards to consider: This version is the exact build I used to beat Expert Thanos in 2-player alongside Justice Ms. Marvel. Against villains with less stun/confuse, drop The Night Nurse for another Ever Vigilant or Preemptive Strike. If you find you're not using Lightning Strike much? Swap out the Preemptive Strikes for Side Steps. You can potentially drop Nerves of Steel too due to the low amount of defense events, I just find it helps smooth his turns over if you can afford to sneak it into play.

Happy teaching!


Oct 22, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

I want to run this deck because I am a huge Thor fan... a couple of questions to see if you covered them during play testing.

Did you consider using Nova with the fact that you are always being attacked and God of Thunder could be used as two damage each turn?

With the thwarting issue could you use bait and switch as a way to keep threat down if you are playing solo? Or Hard to ignore? Did you end up usually taking damage that hard to ignore would be less useful?

Oct 24, 2021 VillainTheory · 27332

Nova is honestly pretty good with this deck. I would probably swap out a Counter-Punch for her if you felt you could avoid the hit in tempo to play a 4-cost with Thor. Against slower-paced villains you can 100% do this.

I don't think Bait and Switch is great here, it's just going to force Thor to flip more and heal because, unless it's a weaker villain, you will be taking damage. And flipping is rough due to the villain scheming. Hard to Ignore isn't too bad of an option because you can take the villain's attack on your Tough cards and then defend against a minion - but it's not going to be consistent. Definitely a good option against villains with a base of 3 scheme as you'll otherwise struggle to control the threat as is.

Oct 24, 2021 StuWal19 · 1

@Villain thanks for the feedback. I think I’ll play with nova and hard to ignore see how it goes. Thanks for sharing and doing a great write up. I’ll be looking at your other decks in the future for more ideas. I always play solo so I’m constantly looking for new ideas and combos.