Doctor Strange OP Combo: Ronan Heroic 3 With Gauntlet

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Doctor Strange Lost in Space 21 6 22 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet

zephyr100 · 25

The "Doctor Strange Lost In Space" deck was quite good, but I managed to improve it. I completed Ronan Heroic 3 With the Infinity Gauntlet (it was a fail, but I technically completed it). The leadership aspect is the most OP and obviously makes this deck amazing.

I swapped the team ups for call for aid because that would help cycle your entire deck for encounter cards. Then, I replaced Deft Focus with "Welcome Aboard" so that you can't just play it to thin out your deck. I removed CITT and Side Holster for the same reason. I also removed TPIAOU to make space for the ally upgrades for avengers and guardians (Not Wong). Then I added Band Together because it has a chance of generating 0 resources. The deck now has 50 cards so that you have worse cycle.


Oct 13, 2021 Ionichk · 10

How does Call For Aid work here? You have no Avengers allies as targets.

Oct 13, 2021 Novawyrm · 167

This deck isn't legal. Dr. Strange isn't an Guardian. So he can't play the guardian allies, booster boots, welcome aboard, or Knowhere. He doesn't have a spy keyword so he can't play espionage.
He has no avenger allies for Earth's Mightest Heroes, Call for Aid, Power Gloves, or Sky cycle to target.

Sorry dude but your deck is invalid. I can also beat Ronan on Heroic 3 if I don't play by the rules.

Oct 14, 2021 Gamerdad88 · 1

Do people not read deck discritions? The maker of this deck actually explains why he made the deck the way he made try and beat the villains with only the dr. Strange cards.

So the fact that he beat Ronan on heroic with this kind of deck makes it all the more impressive imho.

I like it.

Oct 14, 2021 Ionichk · 10

@Gamerdad88 Only it doesn’t say any of that in the deck description. You have to look at the deck description for the first version of the deck.