Venom's 2 for 25 Value Meal

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ender4214 · 1

When I saw the initial previews for Venom a few months back, I immediately went googly eyed. Venom is far and away my favorite cast member of the Marvel universe, so naturally I obsessed over him until his release.

I am leaning INCREDIBLY heavily on physical resources to have consistent usage of Grasping Tendrils and Jarnbjorn. This physical emphasis results in a happy little green accident; The 2 Resource for 25 Damage Hulk Value Meal

I am deliberately not playing a ton of good cards I could be playing because I chose to try and make this deck the ideal environment for a Hulk to grow big and strong.

Is it questionable to so heavily skew this deck's construction towards Hulk when there's a non-zero chance he could be sent to the shadow realm before the game even begins thanks to Flash Thompson's setup ability? Yes.

Do I care? no.

Even without Hulk in play this deck is incredibly solid. I would call it the closest thing I've played to a traditional midrange deck in Marvel Champions. You pump out consistently high damage, consistently adequate threat removal, and Venom is incredibly sturdy with 4 Rec, Project Rebirth 2.0 and Down Time

I have only had time to test this deck through one campaign, RoRS on Expert with my partner. The deck absolutely crushed. Average damage per turn after setup is 8-10, with spike turns around 20.

A change I would like to test is dropping 2 "Fusillade" for 2 Skilled Strike. The idea here is to keep trimming those pesky mental resources while also trimming the curve. If I made this change I would probably look to swap out some amount of Martial Prowess as well.

Please try the deck and tell me what you think! I'd love to hear your comments and questions and chat about the deck. Thanks to all who took the time to look and read.

EDIT: My helicarrier and side holster values are backwards. Should be 2x Helicarrier and 1x Side Holster