Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Woman-Claus

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Odeatho · 56

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This deck is meant strictly for a 3-4 multiplayer game, but is extremely effective and fun in multiplayer games.

Want to be the most popular player at the table on game night? Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Woman-Claus brings a sack full of gifts to share with her friends. Using the traditional Christmas colors, red and green, her sack is full of protection and aggression goodies for all!

The strategy of this deck is pretty obvious. Dole out low cost upgrades and supports to your companions (and yourself some), allowing everyone else at the table to build better and faster. There are several benefits of this strategy outlined below:

  1. While Spider-Woman focuses on helping her companions with generating economy or providing low cost supports and upgrades, they can focus on getting their higher cost cards into play. Watch the smile form on Hulk's face when you toss him an Armored Vest, an Electrostatic Armor, and a Combat Training on turn 1.

  2. The other 2-3 players at the table can build more powerful decks. Where they might have included a Down Time or an Endurance, they can now include say an Avengers Mansion or Helicarrier instead. What ever floats your boat.

  3. The lack of allies in this deck allows the other 2-3 players to be more liberal with their choice of allies for their deck build. This deck isn't 'hogging' rare allies like Ironheart, or interfering with other's desire's to play Hawkeye or Mockingbird.

  4. It's easy to thin this deck fast because of the low cost upgrades and supports. Sooner than later you'll be frequently cycling through Spider Woman's best Event aspect cards, like Venom Blast, Pheromones, and Self-Propelled Glide, which ends up being your most powerful card in the late game.

  5. Having lots of low cost aspect cards makes this Spider-Woman deck a thrill to play. It helps her maximize her Superhuman Agility hero power. I found I was able to consistently generate my choice of a base 4 attack or 4 thwart every turn, and of course 4 defense during the villain phase if you choose. Using Self-Propelled Glide to ready her, as well as using her powerful event aspect cards, makes her an absolute end game beast.

Of note, I found it was key to get Captain Marvel into play and was easy to keep her in play with Med Team. She's great for card generation, which allows Spider Woman to help her friends even more.

I was actually very surprised at how effective and powerful this deck is. The above benefits may seem subtle, but all together it can give your table some serious advantages. It's just a very unique and table-friendly multiplayer deck in general. It makes for a different multiplayer experience for everyone at the table, I can promise you that. It's been a very fun deck to play, and it's been an absolute hit at our game nights. I hope you enjoy this Spider-Woman multiplayer deck as much as we have.