Battle Panther (Aggression)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Seamonster · 1

Black Panther is a hero who thrives off having cards out of his deck so that in future rounds he can do multiple Wakanda Forever! plays. This aggression deck tries to take advantage of that, by using upgrades and support cards that can stay on the table, often dealing direct damage.

You start with 2 ATK, so use Combat Training on yourself. Soften enemies with Tac Team, then finish them off with an attack to proc Battle Fury and Jarnbjorn. And don't forget to tally your kills in your Hall of Heroes for extra card draw!

Chase Them Down helps with some threat removal in solo games. Use Lockjaw and Tactical Genius for additional threat removal. Avoid using your THW when possible in order to deal more damage, especially once you have Combat Training.

Don't use Hulk to attack - he's just there to soak up a hit or two.

Use Shuri to pull out a much needed upgrade. You can worry about your Black Panther upgrades later - an early Jarnbjorn will do a lot of work for you right away, and sets you up for Mean Swings sooner rather than later.