Confusing Venom

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LucRivNor · 96

With 12 cards able to confuse and some twice (Sonic Rifle, the vilain should be always confuse.

So main scheme should have low threat. Those 2 facts will help play conditionnal cards Pivotal Moment and Scare Tactic.

À changing form tempo roughly 2 turns end in hero for 1 turn end in alter ego should be fine. Grasping Tendrils will help jeep your hero form longer.

Don’t be shy to use Symbiotic bond each turn, to help trigger conditionnal elements on Venom cards but also just to have 1 extra ressource to spend.

Mulligan guide:

Your key card is Multi-Gun by far. So mulligan if ont in starting hand and if not in second hand, the setup ability of Flash Thompson and Locked and Loaded

Other keys cards to install son is Project Rebirth 2.0 and also Venom's Pistol


Jul 17, 2021 Siris101 · 18

This is a cool deck! alot more interesting than his Pre-con justice deck. I felt they were building it around confusing the enemy but didn't quite have enough cards to do it. How often do you find yourself flipping to alter ego to actually need all the confuse? I feel like Venom doesn't really do anything in AE except heal.

Jul 17, 2021 LucRivNor · 96

Most of the time, confuse is for Scare Tactic and Sonic Rifle being able to do damage.

As said, you will end 1/3 in alter ego, mostly because you will hart yourself with Symbiotic bond (Venom ability) and also with "Think Fast!". But if your alter ego passage let you full healing with Project Rebirth 2.0, it is really cool and let you use the Venom's Pistol for basic stats impr.

Jul 18, 2021 neothechosen · 10667

Love it! includes pretty much all the confuse action you can get! Have you considered Turn the Tide? Seems like there should be some synergy with Pivotal Moment here, altought I'd be hard pressed to find what to cut for it... maybe for another play style.

Jul 19, 2021 LucRivNor · 96

Prefer Pivotal Moment. it is a great tool to remove big minion or hit hard vilain and it is more flexible than Turn the Tide because you don’t have to commit your basic action to it. And even doing only 2 damage could be enoughsometimes.