Star-Lord slays true solo expert Ronan in Disco fashion

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JazVM · 40

The goal here is pretty simple: beat Ronan down as fast as possible.

A few notes:

  • Start shooting turn 1
  • Ignore threat completely
  • Leave the Universal Weapon with Ronan so you can you the extra encounter card when you go off with Sliding Shot
  • at least one ally needs to be in play every turn so you can stay alive
  • when stage II is on low HP get ready to go for the kill
  • the kill: at least 2 encounter cards in front of you (Universal Weapon + your hero ability). Ideally 4+ encounter cards. In the worst-case scenario (2 encounter cards) you will deal 9 damage from Sliding shot and 5 damage from your basic attack + Element gun. In total thats 14 damage for 2 cards. Nice!
  • Every copy of Daring Escape is another 4 damage for 0 cast when combined with Sliding Shot. Awesome!

You will still lose games to surge sequences or general other bad luck but with this deck you should eventually be able to kill. Star-Lord is just that strong!