Ms. Marvel Justice for One

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cmaka74 · 10

This Ms. Marvel Justice deck is mostly meant as a solo deck, but it could be used as a multiplayer deck as well (although I would trade out the damage and go all in on the threat removal).

The way I’ve played this deck is to just keep the threat as low as possible while whittling down the villain using Big Hands, Turn the Tide, Pivotal Moment (both TtT and PM need that threat at zero), Embiggen!, and allies. It can be a bit of a grind, but I find that solo Justice games frequently are.

Because Ms. Marvel loves to flip so much, Lay Down the Law is a great card. With her Biokinetic Polymer Suit and Sense of Justice out, when you flip, you can remove 8 threat for free (10 if you also have Shrink in play). So not much concern about the villain scheming unless it’s someone with really low threat thresholds, like Crossbones. For those, it might be good to throw in Foiled!, Counterintelligence, or Concussive Blow.

Allies I find are relatively interchangeable. I almost always throw Ironheart and Miles Morales in my Ms. Marvel decks not only because they are great, but also for thematic reasons (same with Lockjaw). Wiccan and Daredevil are there to help ping damage on enemies, but can sometimes whiff on their special abilities if Ms. Marvel has already cleared out all the threat.

Like most decks that aren’t Aggression or Leadership, it will struggle in minion-heavy solo games.