SCL Season 6 Round 1 - Thor Highlander vs Absorbing Man + Hy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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L3w15 7 · 10718

SCL Season 6 Round 1 - Thor Highlander vs Absorbing Man + Hydra Assault [Standard]

For the highlander (one copy of each card max) Thor deck I went for an ally heavy build with some big damage cards.

As Absorbing man is a fairly easy scenario it didn't seem worth playing cards like quincarrier/helicarrier to set up. Winning quickly was the main goal.

Worth noting that Angela only barely made the cut here due to the low minion count. I figured that she was still just about worth it though as you can count the discard pile to estimate how likely she actually is to proc before deciding if you want to play her.