
Batroc's Brigade. Mercenary.

Attack: 1. Scheme: 1. Punti Ferita: 5.

Zaran gets +X ATK, where X is the printed resource cost of the card tucked under him.

When Revealed: Tuck a Weapon upgrade you control under Zaran. Otherwise, tuck the top card of your deck under Zaran.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. #100. Batroc's Brigade #3.
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I can't believe this guy is worthy of Wielding Mjolnir

Sorry Thor.

Aren't all you folks that were bitching about Captain America's Shield not having the WEAPON trait back in the day happy this didn't happen to you? lol

Earth Dragon · 1589
Or somehow steal Wolverine's Claws from him (and not be able to use them, since they have a "-" cost...). Does "Permanent" prevent this, though? The card isn't technically leaving play. — Michebugio · 13
Zaran: "Hi Wolverine! Can I borrow your skeleton for a while? Thx" — erikw1984 · 29