
Magnetic. Superpower.

Costo: 3.

Magneto gains retaliate 1.

Forced Interrupt: When you would take any amount of damage, place it here. Then, if there is at least 6 damage here, discard Magnetic Bubble.

Andrea Di Vito & Laura Villari
Magneto #6. Magneto #5.
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I love this card so much. I think it is really fricking good, though I realise I have emotional bias, and if I was to give a more level headed opinion, I would say the card is average. It costs 3 (which is a lot) so it is pricy. What it will do on average however is negate two attacks and deal 1 damage through retaliate. From what I understand, the damage that bursts the bubble will not trigger the retaliate. Paying 3 to negate 2 villian attacks and retaliate 1 is honestly pretty decent value in my opinion, it’s just that, it’s harder to appreciate when you think about what other 3 costing cards can do – dealing big damage for example, is going to be more recognisably good, than Magnetic Bubble.

Another interesting thing to note about Magnetic Bubble is that it prevents any amount of damage, and the nature of the damage does not matter, nor does it matter which form Magneto is in. Depending on the situation, these factors could be significant.

Magnetic Bubble pairs well with the Protection Aspect with cards like Dauntless, Desperate Defence, Come Get Me Bub, to basically defend multiple attacks while keeping Magnetic Bubble intact for the entire game. Interesting to note that Magnetic Bubble synergises excellently with Dauntless to help keep your HP at max, and it also synergises with Desperate Defence and other cards that gain benefits from taking 0 damage while defending.

I actually like Magnetic Bubble with the Aggression Aspect however with cards like Toe to Toe to force enemies into attacking and taking the retaliate damage. With Magnetic Bubble active, Toe to Toe becomes a 1 cost Attack which effectively deals 6 damage, if you include the retaliate from Magnetic Bubble; which will also negate the damage from the enemy attack, and therefore also bypass any pesky on damage effects those enemies may have. That is tremendous value. The great thing about Toe to Toe is that it allows you to systematically calculate the damage Magnetic Bubble will be taking (unless used against the villain), so depending on what enemies are in play, you should hopefully be able to take multiple hits with Magnetic Bubble before it bursts.

If my knowledge is correct, Magnetic Bubble can pair well with Weapon X. You must put the 1 damage from Weapon X onto Magnetic Bubble if it is active, but this can help you do the mathematics of getting maximum value out of the bubble. If the bubble has already sustained 5 damage, then breaking the bubble has no drawback, as the Retaliate effect would not have triggered anyway, though you lose the ability to soak a potential big hit, but that is your prerogative to assess the pros and cons depending on the situation you are in.

To summarise, I think Magnetic Bubble is a very good card that Magneto players should focus on making great use of.

Drakow · 70
It works with Weapon X because it doesn't actually prevent the damage - it just moves where the damage gets placed, so the cost isn't canceled. However, it doesn't synergize with Desperate Defence and similar cards for the same reason. It doesn't prevent the damage, just moves it. Another synergy for the bubble is Forcefield Generator, which DOES prevent damage and can be used to prolong the bubble and how much value you get out of its Retaliate. — Death by Chocolate · 4
Thanks for the clarification, super helpful. — Drakow · 70
It should still work with Desperate Defense and similar cards because the bubble is taking damage, not Magneto i.e. the player. Desperate Defense's ready affect triggers if you don't take damage so if something else took the damage you are fine. — NRT945 · 3
That is what I initially thought >_<' — Drakow · 70