

Costo: 2.

Gioca solo se ci sono trame secondarie nella galleria delle vittorie.

Interruzione Eroe (difesa): Quando un nemico lancia un attacco, irrobustisci il tuo eroe.

Sebastián Guidobono
X-23 #40.
Attacco Anticipato

This is classic example of effiency of cards in Marvel Champions. For aspect (and basic cards) giving the tough status we got for this moment:

  • 3 cost basic (Invulnerability)
  • 2 cost protection (discount 1 cost for side scheme in victory display)
  • 1 cost protection (discount 2 cost for taking damage, but you need to be a guardian character, or change a form) and 3 cost (but can had even a 3 tough).

So at first glance Anticipated Attack is on the middle ground in terms of effecient. But the true is is only better than basic card. You need to clear a player side scheme, so there is always like 3 threat more to cost. 3 threat to take 1 damage or change form? There's no comparison. Even though technically anyone can play this event.

My rating is: (A-C) C+ In build when you can thwart a lot, this card can be solid. But not that much.

nosiak · 93
I don't know if it's worth _that_ much in the evaluation, but it does have (_defense_) and therefore re-directs attacks to other players, so the value should go up a bit in multiplayer, especially where the side scheme criteria is a bit easier to ensure. — PaxCecilia · 18
This is a really weird way of evaluating the event. — TwoHands · 40
- Sorry, accidentally hit post too early. Anyway, having a side scheme in the victory display is a conditional but can't be considered a cost in that way. You play the side scheme for the benefit of the side scheme, not to play this card. Otherwise how does the cost change when you play this card once vs if you play it ten times; did you pay an additional 3 thwart for every time you played it? — TwoHands · 40