Trama Secondaria Giocatore
Costo: 1.
Threat: 3.

Vittoria 0.

Assalto. (Gli interventi base contro questa trama usano l'ATT invece dell'INT.)

Quando Sconfitta: Il giocatore che ha sconfitto questa trama rimuove 5 minacce dalla trama principale.

X-23 #18.
Tienili Impegnati

This card is a game-changer for Hulk, She-Hulk, and Thor. They all can clear this with one swing and are generally lacking in threat removal from their identity cards. Some of Aggression's best allies like Hulk, Wolverine, and Thor can also clear this with one activation, meaning you don't have to compromise your allies as much to be better at thwarting if you play this. There are more efficient options for threat control depending on your hero, but in many cases this is a great upgrade to Aggression's options.

Stretch22 · 938