

Costo: 1.

Azione: Cura un totale di 4 danni alla tua identità e a Honey Badger.

"Se fosse vero che quello che non ti uccide di rende più forte, adesso dovrei essere più potente di Colosso." — X-23
X-23 #6. X-23 #8-9.
Longevità Rigenerativa

This card is fantastic, particularly when you are leaning into the Honey Badger 'repeated readying' approach, as it gives Honey Badger an extended lifespan.

For the most part, X-23 can heal to an incredible degree, but since her hero ability requires you to deal damage to her, this card makes that less painful and also lets you repair Honey Badger for some additional X-23 'readies'.

I understand why they only included two of these. Three would have made the late-game -after thinning your deck of support and upgrades- a cake-walk for X-23.

MacGhille · 269