Caliban is a solid ally with a Call for Aid-style response upon entry. This can be used in a few different ways - it can find a specific ally your deck is built around like Fantomex if that's the only target, it can load up your graveyard to increase the versatility of Make the Call, or it can activate Digging Deep/White Fox, which is a very strong use. Even without a combo, it's above rate for a 3-cost ally due to drawing a card when it comes in. The psionic trait also makes Caliban premium for psionic-theme decks. A very nice card!
Psionico. X-Force.
Costo: 3.
Punti Ferita: 3.
Attack: 2.
Thwart: 1.
Risposta: Dopo che Calibano è entrato in gioco, scarta carte dalla cima del tuo mazzo finchè non scarti 1 alleato X-FACTOR, X-FORCE, o X-MEN. Aggiungi quell'alleato alla tua mano.
EvoluXione Futura #14.

If I had no allies with the X-Factor, X-Force or X-Men traits in my deck would I just discard until I went through my deck? Adam Warlock could benefit quite nicely from that with Soul World if so. Just a thought.
Correct. After your deck runs out, you just stop and reshuffle
· 938
Note too that, since it's not a Forced Response, I don't believe you *need* to discard your deck if you don't want to.
· 27
I was just thinking this. Make sure to run White Fox and 3 copies of Digging Deep so it activates all of those along the way.
· 34
Played this the other day, very fun deck. Note that you can only bring 1 Digging Deep though as on his AE it states during setup "You cannot include more than 1 copy of any non-Adam Warlock card."
· 83