Iceman is a strong ally that's a no-brainer for X-Men theme decks and very playable even outside of them. Stunning and confusing minions isn't usually something you would go out of your way to do, but it's a fantastic ability to be stapled onto an ally that's already a fair rate. If a big minion comes down, stunning it gives you an extra turn to accumulate damage. If you are 2 turns away from killing the villain, stunning a newly drawn minion lets you focus your damage on the villain over that 2-turn window. You can keep an extra minion in play before using an AoE attack. All these little uses add up and make Iceman a versatile ally that will still get you 4 damage and a block even if no minion is drawn. This makes Iceman a protection staple in my book, and you need a compelling reason to leave him on the sideline.
Uomo Ghiaggio
Bobby Drake
Costo: 3.
Punti Ferita: 3.
Attack: 2.
Thwart: 1.
Uomo Ghiaccio entra in gioco con 3 gettoni congelamento su di lui.
Risposta: Dopo che un gregario entra in gioco, rimuovi 1 gettone congelamento da Uomo Ghiaccio → stordisci quel gregario.
Rogue #10.

- Iceman Iceman #1
This card is very similar to iron fist
· 1
In ability, perhaps, but stunning the villain is so much better than stunning a minion, so I would put Iron Fist ahead by a fair margin
· 974