Costo: 2.

Team-Up (Ciclope e Fenice). Massimo 1 per mazzo.

Azione Eroe: Ripristina Ciclope e Fenice. Scegli se rimettere nella tua mano 1 carta del set Ciclope della tua pila degli scarti oppure collocare 2 gettoni potere su Forza Fenice.

Cyclops #23.
Relazione Psichica

I think there is a case for including this card in a Cyclops deck. It can recur Full Optic Blast (and ready Cyclops to help him use it).

F.O.B. Is the most powerful event card in the game and a one-off so getting a chance at an extra use for it is very valuable.

All that said, 2 cost still feels a bit high for this card

jamman39 · 13