
Cartone Animato. Web-Warrior.

Thwart: 2. Attack: 1. Defense: 1.
Punti Ferita: 12. Hand Size: 5.

Ogni gettone animazione su Spider-Ham può essere speso come se fosse .

Nonsenso di RagnoRisposta: Dopo che Spider-Ham ha subito un qualsiasi ammontare di danni, colloca 1 gettone animazione su di esso.

Spider-Ham #1. Spider-Ham #.

Cartone Animato. Civile.

Recover: 5.
Punti Ferita: 12. Hand Size: 6.

Potere AnimatoRisposta: Dopo che hai effettuato un recupero base, colloca 1 gettone animazione su Peter Porker.

"Hai mai la sensazione che ci sia qualcun altro a prendere ogni decisione, come se fossi il personaggio di un gioco?"
Spider-Ham #1. Spider-Ham #.
Peter Porker

This guy is so goofy, I just think he's awesome. My love of the character from Into the Spiderverse probably influences my opinion.

He has some great HP, two upgrades that put him at a 3THW, 2ATK, 1DEF, all of which leans heavily into his cheeky, subversive 'Bugs Bunny' personality. Let's be honest, 3THW is unusual and surprisingly versatile in an aggression build. Not to mention that some of his signature cards are borderline broken if you have the necessary 'toon tokens'.

And it's the 'toon tokens' that will ultimately determine how fond you will be of Spider-Ham.

He generates one token when he is damaged, one token when he recovers, and he has an upgrade that you can exhaust to add a toon counter to his alter-ego form. This all just means that in order to get the most value from this ability, you have to take damage, flip, heal and flip.

Admittedly, his more expensive Backflip (Cartoon Physics) ensures he earns a toon token and The Daily Beagle gets him an additional token while he's in AE. So there are tools in place to assist, but you still have to do a lot of flipping for best results. And with all of the benefits provided by his Huge Wooden Hammer and Organic Webbing, not to mention his inherent wild resource ability, you really want to have as many toon tokens as possible.

At least Ham It Up doesn't require you to discard tokens. Which means that a heavy Thwart build is going to get a lot of mileage out of Spider-Ham.

But seriously, I can't even read the flavor text in my head without doing a John Mulaney voice.

MacGhille · 270