This card is generally dead for Strange himself. Strange never wants to use his basic activations if he can help it. It's generally much more impactful for him to exhaust for spell casts. That being said there are some niche situations where this card might come in handy. If you need 1 more ATK/THW to clear a problem minion/scheme or more interestingly in multiplayer. This card seems particularly well suited for buffing Quicksilver since he gets 3 uses out of the stats minimum. With 3 total readies this card values out to be a For Justice for 1 less cost.
Condizione. Incantesimo.
Costo: 1.
Gioca sotto il controllo di un qualsiasi giocatore.
Il tuo eroe riceve +1 INT, +1 ATT e +1 DIF.
Interruzione Obbligata: Quano il round termina, scarta Potenziamenti Magici.
Doctor Strange #10. Doctor Strange #13-14.
