Name Class C. Type Resources Traits Pack Set
'Port and Punch Eroe 2 Evento Attack. Superpower. Nightcrawler 7 Nightcrawler 8-9
Arctic Attack Eroe 2 Evento Attack. Ice. Superpower. Iceman 9 Iceman 9-10
Chill Out! Eroe 2 Evento Ice. Superpower. Thwart. Iceman 11 Iceman 13-15
Command Authority Eroe 2 Evento Thwart. Age of Apocalypse 8 Bishop 9-10
Concentrated Fire Eroe 2 Evento Attack. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 37 Nick Fury 3-4
Concussive Blast Eroe 3 Evento Attack. Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 7 Bishop 7-8
Covert Surveillance Eroe 1 Evento Thwart. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 38 Nick Fury 5-7
Electromagnetic Blast Eroe 2 Evento Magnetic. Superpower. Thwart. Magneto 8 Magneto 8-9
Exorcism Eroe 2 Evento Spell. Thwart. Age of Apocalypse 38 Magik 10-11
Firecracker Eroe 2 Evento Attack. Superpower. Jubilee 7 Jubilee 6
Firecracker Eroe 2 Evento Attack. Superpower. Jubilee 7 Jubilee 7
Firecracker Eroe 2 Evento Attack. Superpower. Jubilee 7 Jubilee 8
Flash of Light Eroe 2 Evento Superpower. Thwart. Jubilee 8 Jubilee 9
Flash of Light Eroe 2 Evento Superpower. Thwart. Jubilee 8 Jubilee 10
Flash of Light Eroe 2 Evento Superpower. Thwart. Jubilee 8 Jubilee 11
Full-Body Charge Offensiva 4 Evento Attack. Age of Apocalypse 45
Grande Finale Eroe 3 Evento Attack. Superpower. Jubilee 9 Jubilee 12
Gunboat Diplomacy Giustizia 1 Evento Attack. Thwart. Nightcrawler 32
Metal Shards Eroe 3 Evento Attack. Magnetic. Superpower. Magneto 9 Magneto 10-11
Multitalented Base 3 Evento Attack. Thwart. Jubilee 21
Scout Ahead Eroe 1 Evento Superpower. Thwart. Nightcrawler 9 Nightcrawler 11-12
Soul Strike Eroe 2 Evento Attack. Spell. Age of Apocalypse 39 Magik 12-13
Spray Fire Eroe 3 Evento Attack. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 39 Nick Fury 8-9
Take That! Offensiva 3 Evento Attack. Iceman 16
Teleport Drop Eroe 2 Evento Attack. Superpower. Nightcrawler 8 Nightcrawler 10
Three Steps Ahead Giustizia 3 Evento Thwart. Jubilee 15
Unlikely Duo Base 2 Evento Attack. Jubilee 22
Waylay Giustizia 3 Evento Attack. Jubilee 14